Walton On Trent C of E Primary and Nursery School
Living | Learning | Laughing
Welcome to Squirrels Class
Your teachers are: Mrs Matthews and Mrs Porter
You will need PE kits on a Tuesday and Friday.
This half-term, you will be learning about:
Science: year 1 - plants year 2: Plants
Geography: Antarctica
DT: Make a moving toy
Computing: Photography
RE: 1.5 What makes some places sacred?
PSHE: Dreams and goals
PE: Dance and Team games
You will have Forest School on a Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure you bring in your forest school kit with appropriate clothing eg wellies and long sleeve top.
You will need PE kits on a Tuesday and Thursday.
Autumn 2
You will need PE kits on a Wednesday and Friday.
This half-term, you will be learning about:
Science: year 1 Seasons/Materials year 2: Materials
History: Remembrance
DT: Poppy display
Computing: Beebots
RE: 1.4 What can we learn from sacred books? (Bible)
PSHE: Celebrating difference
PE: Invasion games
For this half-term until the October holidays, you will have Forest School on a Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure you bring in your forest school kit with appropriate clothing eg wellies and long sleeve top.
You will need PE kits on a Tuesday and Thursday.
This half-term, you will be learning about:
Science: year 1 - The human body year 2: Animals needs for survival
Geography: Our local area - Walton-on-Trent
Art: Picasso faces
Computing: computer science and networks
RE: Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?
PSHE: Being me in the world
PE: Gymnastics