
Walton On Trent C of E Primary and Nursery School

Living | Learning | Laughing


              The leader for Science is Mrs Caroline Williams.   


              The link governor for Science is Mrs Sarah Rose.






At Walton, our science provision follows the National curriculum for KS1 and KS2 and the revised EYFS curriculum for the Early Years. We aim for every child to be able to gain a knowledge and understanding of the world around us through observation and experimentation, developing skills associated with a process of enquiry. Through practical application, children will be able to draw conclusions about themselves and the world around them. Children are encouraged to be curious in their thinking – both scientifically and creatively. Children are encouraged to use simple scientific language when communicating their ideas and also to present their ideas in different ways.



Science takes place once per week in all classes, from the EYFS-Y6 and is taught in single year groups. This is to ensure clear progression throughout the science curriculum at Walton. 


We use the curriculum mapped out by ‘Developing Experts’ to support the delivery of Science. Within this time, the children are given the opportunities to learn scientific facts and deepen their knowledge base within topics. Throughout lessons, children are also exposed to a wide variety of enquiry types, where the children can apply their knowledge and skills in a more investigative approach.


Vocabulary plays a large role in the development of scientific knowledge across the school. 'Rocket words' are visited during each lesson to support the retention of new words, their meaning and how they can be used in their everyday life and in a cross-curricular way.  


Throughout the year, units of work that have been previously taught are revisited, providing the children with the opportunity to retrieve prior learning,  to improve long term retention of knowledge and skills.



Through the provision put in place, we aim to create scientists across the school who are curious, observant, and excited about the world around them.



Science Procedure- Oct 2023

Walton's Approach to Science

Long Term Plan for Science

British Science Week 8th- 17th March 2024

Every year we celebrate British Science Week along with other school across the country. This week we have a range of activities that the children will be engaging in, as well as an assembly. We are also taking a group of Year 5 children to John Taylor High School to participate in a science quiz. We hope to celebrate these on Twitter. 

More information to follow...

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