
Walton On Trent C of E Primary and Nursery School

Living | Learning | Laughing

Our Church School

Christian Distinctiveness


Whole School Vision statement

To be a vibrant learning community aspiring to celebrate God's love and the uniqueness of each individual. This means offering kindness, honesty and respect to our local and global community and demonstrating courage, perseverance and ambition in order to flourish in the joy and hope of 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)











Belonging to our church community

 At Walton Primary we regularly visit St Laurence Church, which is located a short walk from the school. We hold some celebrations within the church such as the Nativity and Harvest. We also use the church when teaching elements of Christianity in RE such as weddings, baptisms and Holy buildings. Our vicar, Reverend Derek, regularly visits us in school and enjoys leading assemblies for us. He is supported by our lovely Reverend Bill. 

Collective worship


Walton on Trent CE(C) Primary and Nursery School complies with legal requirements by providing a daily act of Collective Worship for all pupils on the school roll, unless they have been withdrawn by their parent(s) 'on grounds of conscience'. Teachers also have the right not to attend or lead an act of Collective Worship 'on grounds of conscience'.


Collective Worship - Character and British Values

The majority of our acts of Collective Worship are 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character' whilst recognising the religious, spiritual, moral, social and cultural insights provided by other principal religions and life-stances represented in Derbyshire and in Great Britain. For further information on the relationship between our school and British Values, please see the schools British Values statement. In addition, Collective Worship at our school is one of a number of means that the school uses to support the children's understanding and engagement of their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Where can Collective Worship take place?

Collective Worship can take place anywhere appropriate, such as within the classroom, the school hall or the schools outside areas. It can be a single class, a year group, a Key Stage or the whole school community. We vary this over the week although the majority of our assemblies are for the whole school.


Collective Worship at our school may include:

- Readings from the Bible

- Stories

- Singing

- Media Clips

- Prayer

- Reflection time

- Drama

- Art

- Artefacts


Parents can withdraw their children from Collective Worship

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the daily act of Collective Worship without giving a reason for doing so. At Walton we are able to recognise this wish and ensure a duty of care for any pupils withdrawn from Collective Worship.


We love being a Church of England School within the Derby Diocese. We were really pleased to receive an Outstanding judgement in October 2017 for our SIAMS inspection. You can find the link to the report further down this page.

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