Tour date the 7th November for New Reception intake 2025 to see our lovely school, Please contact the school office to book on.

Walton On Trent C of E Primary and Nursery School

Living | Learning | Laughing

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Foxes (Year 4/ Year 5)

Welcome to Foxes Class

Your teacher is Mrs Morton.

Your teaching assistants are Mrs Routledge, Miss Hussain and Mrs Slater.


There is no forest school this half term. 

You will need PE kits on a Tuesday and Wednesday.



This half-term, you will be learning about:


Year 4 - Place value - 4-digit numbers, Addition and subtraction, Measure - area

Year 5  - Place value within 1,000,000, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division


Year 4 - Group and classify living things, Data Collection, States of Matter

Year 5 - Forces, Space

PSHE - Being me in my world

English - Writing a myth

RE - What do different people believe about God?

PE - Indoor - Gymnastics, Outdoor - Adventurous Activities

Geography - Extreme Earth

DT - Sewing and creating volcanoes

Computing - Computing Systems and Networks

French - Family and Friends

