
Walton On Trent C of E Primary and Nursery School

Living | Learning | Laughing

Badgers (Year 6)

Welcome to Badgers Class

Your teacher is: Mr Wildman

Your teaching assistants are: Miss Blunn, Miss Nobel and Ms Plant 


For this half-term, you will have Forest School on a Thursday afternoon.

You will need PE kits on a Monday and Thursday.



This half-term, you will be learning about:

English - Jaguar in the Chicken Coop (narrative) The workings of the Human Heart (explanation)

Mathematics - Measurement, Ratio and Algebra. 

Reading - RESIST!

Science -Light and Sight 

History - The Battle of Britain  

P.E - Netball and Cricket 

French - Let's Go Shopping!

Art - Water Colour

R.E - What do religions say to us when life gets hard?

Computing - Designing a website 

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