Tour date the 7th November for New Reception intake 2025 to see our lovely school, Please contact the school office to book on.

Walton On Trent C of E Primary and Nursery School

Living | Learning | Laughing

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Hedgehogs - Reception and Y1

Welcome to Hedgehogs!


We would like to welcome everyone to Hedgehogs 2023-24. Our team this year will consist of Mrs Williams (class teacher), Mrs Loveland and Miss Plant. We have built a strong team and have been working hard to get the classroom ready for this year. Our class consists of Reception and Year One children with some lessons being taught as a whole class, i.e. English, humanities, and others in year groups i.e. maths, phonics and science.


Children in Reception will follow the Early Years curriculum whilst those in Year One will follow the National Curriculum. We work hard to ensure that we identify next steps for all children, building on their strengths and supporting areas for development.


We value working with parents, carers, wider family and friends with each child being at the centre of this support network. We are an approachable team so please come and talk to us with any concerns, questions or important information about your child. We are available at the end of every day or please make an appointment via the office for a mutually convenient time.


We look forward to a fantastic year ahead!

General Information


For this half term (Summer 2),  PE will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All children will need to come dressed for PE on these days. Forest School will be on a Monday this half term, except for the week beginning 22nd April, when it will be on Friday 26th April.


Please note- It is very important that children bring in their reading books and diaries everyday. 



Summer 2

Areas of Learning- Summer 2


SubjectYear One 
MathsNumbers to 100, money, time 
EnglishThe life cycle of a sunflower- explanation text, How to make a rainstick- instructions 
PhonicsReading phonemes from phase 5, reading real and alien words, Phonics Screening Check 
ScienceAnimals, including humans 2 - All about animals 
HistoryRosa Parks and Emily Davison  
DTMaking sandwiches 
PSHEChanging me! 
PEAthletics, striking games 

How should we care for others and the world and why does it matter? 

(3 faiths) 

Personal, social and emotional development

Developing Independence, Feelings and Emotions, Changing me!

Communication and languageTalking in full sentences, turn taking in conversation, past and present tense
Physical developmentAthletics and ball skills/ games
LiteracyIndependent writing, writing for purpose
MathsMeasure, sorting, time, counting beyond 20
Understanding the worldFood, plants
Expressive arts and designDrawing plants and animals, making sandwiches

Summer 1

Areas of Learning- Summer 1


SubjectYear One 
MathsMultiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, numbers to 100 
EnglishWriting stories 
PhonicsRevision of phase 5, reading non-real words 
GeographyAt the Beach 
PEBench ball and athletics 
REBelonging to a faith community 
ComputingDigital Painting 
Personal, social and emotional development

Relationships, Developing Independence, Feelings and Emotions, 

Communication and languageDeveloping vocabulary, extended sentences, conversational skills
Physical developmentBench ball and athletics

Stories, writing sentences

MathsCounting on and back, Numbers to 20, Numerical patterns
Understanding the worldGrowing
Expressive arts and designWeaving, natural materials

Spring 2

Areas of Learning- Spring 2


SubjectYear One 
MathsNumbers to 50, introducing Length and Height and Introducing mass and capacity 
PhonicsRevision of phase 5 
ScienceMaterials, Spring 
HistoryTravel and transport through time 
DTMaking a travel pillow 
PSHEHealthy Me 
REHow and when do we celebrate special and sacred times?  (Christians and Muslims)  
MusicPure Imagination 
ComputingProgramming using Scratch Junior 
Personal, social and emotional development

Healthy Me, Developing Independence, Feelings and Emotions

Communication and languageDeveloping vocabulary, extended sentences, rhyming words
Physical developmentGymnastics, negotiating space

Poetry, rhyming words, writing longer words

MathsNumber bonds to 10, Subtraction, Exploring Patterns
Understanding the worldForces, Spring- Plants
Expressive arts and designTextiles

Spring 1

Curriculum Coverage- Spring 1



Reception- Writing a sentence

Year One- Writing stories about journeys 



Reception- Numbers to 10, Addition to 10, Comparing numbers to 10

Year 1 - Numbers to 20, Addition and subtraction within 20, Numbers to 50



Reception- Forces, Changing states (Melting and freezing)

Year One- Everyday materials 



The Local Area - Burton



Artist study - Vincent Van Gogh - Sunflowers 



Pure Imagination



Year One- Digital Writing



Dreams and Goals



Sacred Places 


Our classroom...


We work hard to ensure that our classroom environment is organised, affective for learning, and meets the needs of the children.


Areas of Learning- Autumn


SubjectYear One 
MathsNumbers to 10, part-whole within 10, addition within 10. 
EnglishStories relating to oceans and travel, writing sentences, capital letters 
PhonicsRevision of phase 4  
ArtSilhouette art focussing on Oceans 
PSHEBeing me in my world 
REWhat is a Christian and what do they believe? 
PEGym, throwing and catching 
ComputingComputer science and networks 
Personal, social and emotional development

Settling into school, being me in my world

Communication and languageCommunicating with other using words, developing vocabulary, routines
Physical developmentBalancing and ball skills (throwing and catching)
LiteracyReading initial sounds, developing a love of reading
MathsNumbers to 5, comparing groups within 5
Understanding the worldSeasons, our school
Expressive arts and designColour mixing, line 

